After the lovely weather yesterday afternoon and evening, it's been a cloudy and latterly wet day today.
We were up late, having had a late bedtime last night. Indeed, Olivia was in the lake right up to 11.30pm last night! After breakfast, Anna and I went for a walk up the road here and picked some blueberries. Though cloudy, it was warm and we quickly found a good crop. We'd hoped to sunbathe in the morning, as we knew the forecast was for rain later, but blueberry picking was the best we could manage!
After lunch we headed into town for some shopping and found it was very busy with a street market on in the centre. Keith spent some money, finished writing his postcards and Sandy and Olivia did plenty looking but no buying!
Back home for dinner, by now the rain was heavy here. We've had a short swim and sauna session this evening, but will have an earlier night tonight, with fingers crossed that the better weather they are promising for tomorrow and Sunday actually materialises!
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